Saturday 9 April 2011

Similar Film Analysis - "Cherries"

This is film is about how some young school boys are having their futures decided for them. There is a class of teenage boys and there are having decisions and choices over their own lives being stripped away from them. This film deals with issues that could be relatable or have been in history. This film is a 15 minute short drama film. The film is about a class of boys who all have opinions but one teenage boy stands out “Clint”. He decides he doesn’t want his choices taken off him.

The film through out is all dark and gloomy colours so you know from that it creates that there is some sort of evil or that they are being hidden. The film starts with the scene of different parts of the school for you get to se where the film is set or that location is relevant as to what the story is about. So with it being a school or college or university you know it involves education, or with connotation it could be about social groups with students and the life style. Then you come across a school boy running so this implies that he is late for school, so he could possibly be a trouble maker if he is slacking. Or maybe he’s running from something and coming from school. The shots of the school before all cut smoothly after each other but when you come across the boy running with a track shot but maybe the camera as hand held as the though we are jogging along side him. Then there are cuts again to the school shots, so maybe to shows that this is where the boy is heading. The film starts with an urban type song which I think fits in well with the setting they have created then you hear a strange noise but this noise tells the school that it is now break time so you see all the kids leaving the school building in a long shot. You see the kids leaving the building at the left of the screen when you see the title appear on the right but then red blots appear to the right of the screen which shows there may be violence of some sort in the film. We then see the boy again, with the scene keep coming back to him, this shows is one of the main characters as this cuts are cross sectioning for what is happening at the same time with the school and this boy. Again with the scene with the boy the screen moves again like before maybe to show he is not stable. Next is a close up of a group of boys at the school with one telling a story, he is “bigging” himself up. Whilst he’s telling the story it goes to other boy’s close up to show their expressions on their faces from what this boy is telling them. Then the boy who had just arrived to school who the film was aiming about is mimicking the other boy behind him, they could be a rivalry between them. As then the boy who was telling the story goes confronts Clint (You find out his name later on in the short film). When he goes to confront Clint he is sat down with a friend so this other boy is being shown that is a higher authority as then he starts making fun of the Clint.

The next scene goes into a room inside the school building where there is a conversation between teachers or a teacher and head master possibly. There is one standing up and one standing down, so you’d of though that this would show who’s the higher positioned but from the conversation they are having it sounds as is the man sitting down is the higher careered person between them. So you see medium close ups with reverse shots with them having a conversation. There is again cross scenes from Clint and the other boy again, him trying to cause trouble with Clint in the school grounds. Then it cuts back to the men inside the building where they’re still having a conversation but one of them gets given some envelopes whiles the other man says “it’s your job”.

Then the next scene is Clint and his friends walking to class in a long shot but then there are close ups of their face’s but the camera will be and held again as the shot is all shaky. This could mean there is something that isn’t right. It then cuts to the teacher “Phil” walking to the class room in a long shot that is tracking backwards as he walks with the envelopes in his hands and he look anxious.

The boys and teacher are now in the class rooms with a medium shot as they are sitting down, Phil is in focus but the students aren’t as this emphasises the concern on his face. As it then closes up to Phil’s glasses in his hand which is a match on action as it then the shot tilts upwards to a close up of his face. From that it cuts to reverse shot of the back of Phil with the kids still not in focus so it’s as if Phil has zoned out. The teacher then starts the class and then the children become in focus then he asks them who watches the news. This is where the story thickens as then the children are presented with the news that they have to do military training as it’s compulsory. The scene then consists of medium close up shots from Phil and the pupils. When it’s the shots on Phil the same is shaky again, this could be a shot as if you’re in the room with them, that he is talking to you as well as the other boys in the group. Then there is a presentation which an eye line match as all everyone in the classroom is watching it and then you see a shot of the presentation as the audience. Like before again there are shot reverse shots, also again with there being shaky shots as if you’re sat there in the classroom but then the kids start all going against each other especially Clint and the boy who think he’s it. Clint then after the class has settled again screws up the letter and tries to throw it in the bin and there is a match on action here after he threw the letter. Clint then walks out but no once goes after him, they just let him be. That’s when one of the boys look outside and it cuts to a wheel of a military 4x4 then the school gates open. You then see Clint running from the window reflection; he’s running for his life.

The boys are walking to the hall to meet the military to be scanned like animals. Then it cuts to Clint running away, the camera is shaky again but even more so now, this could show that everything is whirling round his head as he keeps his speed and desistance away from the school. Close up if the boy’s faces, they’re terrified. Then scene flicks back to Clint, he’s stopped running. Next cut is the empty classroom and there is dead silence.

I think the film is relatable as it’s about choices and how they get made for you. The teenage boys have their future taken away from them due to compulsory military training that every teenage boys need to take course. In our film Connor’s fame over takes him and that’s what controls him, the press start to control him. Connor’s future was taken by himself but due to the pressures of fame. Cherries has a dim setting as the colours are dull and seem faded, there are moments like that in The Last Line to show Connor wants to be hidden away from the world, to be in the darkness. There are many close ups in both to show expression on their faces, show the emotion their feeling.

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